- It is your responsibility to be in the right place at the right time. We do not delay races.
- A separate entry form is required for each billycart in each race category.
- Helmets are compulsory and protective clothing is recommended.
- All billycarts will receive a minimum of two runs – the first is a practice.
- If entrant and billycart fail to arrive at the start line the race will commence on time.
- The same billycart cannot be used more than once in the same Race Category.
- Billycarts entered into age categories 5-15 years – driver and passenger must be within the same age category.
- All billycarts will start from a standing start.
- No outside assistance is allowed at start line or whilst racing.
- No pedalling, pushing, paddling or propulsion of any kind is allowed.
- Billycarts must proceed under their own weight, but rocking is permitted.
- Drivers and passengers must remain seated whilst racing.
- Billycarts must travel in a straight line, no swerving, weaving or turning from side to side.
- Any billycarts that crash will be disqualified. At the discretion of the organisers any billycart crashed into may receive another run, time permitted.
- Tag team rules – three competitors per team, comprising three legs using the same billycart ie. the first leg team member rides billycart down the hill over the finish line, second team member runs the billycart on foot back up to the start line and tags the third member who rides billycart down the hill over the finish line.
- All judges’ decisions will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
- A billycart or driver may be disqualified at any time at the discretion of the Chief Marshall.
- Unsafe billycarts, dangerous driving or bad conduct by participants will not be tolerated and may result in immediate expulsion or possible disqualification from the event for the whole day. The Chief Marshall’s decision (or that of their delegate) will be final and binding.
- All billycarts and drivers must be available for scrutineering between 7am and 8.30am at the top of Byron Street Bangalow. Late entries will not be accepted.
- The Committee reserves the right to rearrange or cancel events.
- Three (3) wheeler billycarts can only enter as “Professional” or “Novelty” category billycart.
- No refunds.
- All participants enter at their own risk.
- Please note that this event is meant to be a fun day for everyone and participation, not winning, is the desired outcome. It is designed primarily for the thrills and laughter of the day, rather than as a sporting competition. Please be patient and understanding and have a great time!
Billycart classifications and descriptions:
Specifications for all billycarts:
- Total billycart weight must not exceed 75kgs – unduly heavy carts will not be allowed to race
- Random weight checks will be conducted during the day
- Width of billycart must not exceed 1200mm
- Must have adequate braking and steering
- Must have fixed seating
- Ballast must not be added to billycart
Traditional billycart (additional specs):
- Box cart made essentially from wooden material
- Non-pneumatic (solid) tyres and small wheels
- Maximum 2 persons of the same age group
- Must have four load bearing wheels
- Must have 2 axles, min wheel spacing 400mm
- Maximum length 2000mm, maximum width 1200mm
Homegrown billycart (additional specs)
- Made from any lightweight material
- May have pneumatic (pump up) tyres
- Maximum 2 persons of the same age group
- Must have four load bearing wheels
- Must have 2 axles, min wheel spacing 400mm
- Maximum length 2000mm, maximum width 1200mm
Professional billycart (additional specs)
- Made from any lightweight material
- Maximum one (1) driver – no passenger
Novelty billycart (additional specs)
- Open to billycarts that do not meet the specifications of other categories but have special crowd appeal
- Billycart must have adequate steering and braking capabilities